Few new magic things — wiring looms from my friend from Spain 🙂
+ Auto Headlight fog lights switch in Polo 6C style. It’s OEM, from Shanghai Volkswagen with VW quality standards.

Part number:
5ND 941 431 E XSH (5ND941431EXSH) – it’s from the Tiguan Highline that is sold in China exclusively, with red backlight (the same like in Polo 6R).

Ciclo has got the same light switch: www.uk-polos.net/viewtopi…7cc32162959a92bae#p495165

I heartily recommend all products from this guy → www.uk-polos.net/viewtopic.php?f=62&t=69223,
ciclo is a proven vendor, usually quick contact and shipping and full support by e-mail/forum 😉